front cover of The EartHeaven Calendar White Paper



Within The EartHeaven Calendar White Paper we present a brief survey of the history of calendars, and of past calendar reform efforts; we make a case for converting to such a reformed calendar; and introduce a revolutionary new and reformed fixed calendar — the EartHeaven calendar (EHc).

With roots to ancient calendars and time keeping, modern day science, and an eye toward the future, the EHc is a fixed calendar solution for the next 2,100+ years of this Aquarian Age. It is non-dogmatic (religion neutral), and does not add an extra month to our familiar 12-month calendar scheme, nor does it add a blank (or leap) day, outside of its 364-day count.

One of the key features of the EartHeaven calendar is that it effectively brackets (and maps) the Sun’s chronological passage through the twelve astronomical constellations of the ecliptic according to the months (as well as Earth’s annual transit around our Sun).

The EHc also posits New Year’s Day to Sunday, 1 March — coincident with the March Equinox, realigning us here on Earth, to contemporary Astro-Solar realties. This is its KEY DIFFERENTIATOR, one which makes the EHc the best possible solution to a longstanding problem which has eluded world leaders for generations.✨

If, after reading this publication, you recognize the beauty and logic of the EartHeaven calendar, please share amongst your family, friends, neighbors, community members and representativesPass It On. ☯️


ON THE COVER: An adaptation of Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night, 1889. The 19th century sky of Vincent’s time — as in eons before, and forever after — holds the key to where we are in time in this present moment. The cogs, representing the innumerable cycles of the cosmos, remind us how everything in Nature is intricately connected. The EartHeaven calendar has been designed to reflect contemporary Geo-Astro-Solar realities, thus realigning us once again, here on Earth, with the natural rhythms and synchronicities of the Heavens above.

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Here’s some further background reading surrounding the development of the EartHeaven calendar (EHc):

A true “fixed” calendar is a 364-day, 52 seven-day-week, 12-month, four-quarter/season calendar. The days of the week, and their numbered positions within the months, will always remain the same (i.e., 1 March will always fall on a Sunday  — every year). It maintains its accuracy via intercalation, with the periodic addition of one or more seven-day weeks (thus continuing that ancient, and most sacred, seven-day cycle). Remarkably, over a span of 2,100 years, the EartHeaven calendar’s proposed Leap Week method of intercalation shows a loss of only 4.62 days

Every year on the EartHeaven [fixed] calendar (EHc) begins with Sunday, 1 March [New Year’s Day] and ends with Saturday, 29 February [New Year’s Eve] thereby “fixing” the dates of the months to the days of the week; hence it is a “fixed” calendar. Further, It is non-dogmatic (religion neutral), and does not add an extra month to our familiar 12-month calendar scheme, nor does it add a blank (or leap) day, outside of its 364-day count.

The regularity of having 52 seven-day weeks, together with the permanence of the set date/days, ensures a calendar that is easily divisible into equal halves, quarters, and weeks, and is also readily committed to memory. The optional inclusion of “Playing Cards” (Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades) on the EHc, as an Index, serves to function as a visual aid, graphically/symbolically depicting the seasons, weeks, and days of the year.

The EHc also realigns New Year’s Day (1 March) to bracket the March Equinox in its present-day position (that is, within the constellation Aquarius). In doing so, the 12 months will now map the Sun’s contemporary passage through each of the twelve Constellations  —  from Aquarius to Capricornus  — on its annual ecliptic path.


It has been said that, “Once a calendar is established and it is used for a long time in recording events, it comes to be cherished by its users and is an integral part of their history. It is therefore difficult to revise a calendar system; even the best suggestions meet strong resistance.” (The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition; Grolier, CT, 1990.)

That said, it becomes apparent that any reformed calendar must make good sense —  that is to say accurate and logical sense  —  and retain a high degree of familiarity with the present “cherished” calendar.

It would be of great benefit to the civilized world to adopt a contemporary, corrected, and reformed fixed calendar; one that embraces and accurately reflects the astronomical reality of our present time — and the EartHeaven calendar is designed to do exactly that!

Yes. Over four millennia have gone by — the entire Great Ages of Aries and Pisces (spanning about 4,275 years)  — without significant change, or even the acknowledgment of a need to reconcile the current Gregorian calendar (Gc) with present-day Celestial/Earth realities. We think it’s about time to consider a Change for Time.

Due to the inevitable precession of the equinoxes, the March Equinox is now occurring within the starry backdrop —  or at least within the 30-degree arc of influence — of  the constellation Aquarius (i.e., we have now begun our transition into the Age of Aquarius).

[ Even if not quite yet, it is a moot point as we will be in the Age of Aquarius for at least two thousand years to come. ]

The Gregorian calendar, along with current tropical astrology — which still equates the March Equinox’s starting point with Aries (which was commensurate with accurate astronomy when first established) — is now over four thousand years out of date.

Most people are unaware of the fact that modern Calendric Reform has been undertaken many times — worldwide — over the past century (1900–56) where scientific, commercial, and religious organizations, as well as some dynamic individuals, sought to increase social awareness and bring the case of calendar reform to light through a number of national meetings and international conferences.

The last such meeting, held by the United Nations (1956), reached an impasse on its promotion of a World Calendar, which utilized a “blank” day, to be called Worldsday (having no weekday name and not included among the days of the month) as the 365th day of the year, and in a leap year, adding a second blank day between 30 June and 1 July. Consequently, the seven-day sabbatical cycle observed from time immemorial by the entire civilized world would be disrupted, causing incalculable damage  —  this was generally viewed as a wholly unacceptable set of circumstances.

To date, only two other plans for calendar reform of note have been offered to the world  —  the Equitable Calendar and the Hanke-Henry Calendar. Perfected by Father Evarist Kleszcz, a Franciscan priest, mathematician, and accountant, the Equitable Calendar plan differs from the World Calendar in that it utilizes the principle of adding a leap week (instead of blank-days) to maintain accuracy over time. The proposed method was to add one whole week at the end of December every five or six years to hold the date of the March Equinox always within the week of 18 March to 24 March. This was (and still is) a quite sophisticated and viable plan; but unfortunately, one that came too late to receive much deserved attention on the world stage. The Hanke-Henry calendar, credited to Bob McClenon for its design, employs a similar concept  —  utilizing a leap week  —  but also involves adoption of a Julian Day dating system and conversion of clocks to “Universal Time” (i.e., UTC, with the elimination of time zones).


While both worthy concepts, neither of the two plans above take the important step of realigning the astronomical constellations to current Earth/Solar realities by shifting the first day of March to the March Equinox, and then marking this as the first day of each new solar year. This is the EartHeaven calendar’s true differentiator; one which makes it the most logical and suitable calendric solution for the Aquarian Age.

The primary driving cause of the efforts for calendar reform has been cited as the “want of fixity.” So, what is fixity? Simply, fixity is the state or quality of being unchanging or permanent. As it pertains to calendars, it is when a calendar’s dates (numbers) in each week and month stay married to the same days in each week/month, year after year.

A fixed calendar, such as the EartHeaven calendar, will always keep the same dates (or numbers) anchored to the same days of the week —  every year (i.e., New Year’s Day falls on Sunday, 1 March — every year).

By positing the March Equinox to Sunday, 1 March, and “fixing” it as New Year’s Day, all the days and the dates in the 364-day calendar are permanently fixed in their positions on the EHc. Additionally, the EHc has been adjusted to reflect contemporary Geo-Astro-Solar realities, thus realigning us once again, here on Earth, with the Heavens above, as we follow the sun’s current journey along its ecliptic path. In fact, the reason for EartHeaven, and not Earth Heaven, is expressly to signify that the EHc is the bond of Earth to the Heavens.


Consider the difference between your birth day and your date of birth. We are all born on a particular day of the week. (Moms know: You cannot change the day of the week on which you were born. 😉)  In fact, people of many cultures around the world are more apt to know the day of the year they were born on, rather than the date. So, perhaps we should celebrate our birthdays according to that day of the week in which we were born, marked by a point in time based on our position here on Earth as we journey around the sun (instead of some arbitrary date, that shifts its position year to year). This is what we do on the EHc. Oh, and your EHc birth day (and your sun sign) may be different than you’d imagined. (See the Age of Aquarius?? post on the EHc Blog for further reading.) 💫


Intercalation is the method of keeping a calendar accurate over time. The method presently used with our current Gregorian calendar involves adding a leap day periodically. By contrast, the EartHeaven calendar is a Leap Week calendar. It utilizes a method which adds one or more full seven-day week(s) periodically to maintain accuracy. While the method we suggest is based on the principle of seven cycles of seven and the jubilee years of old, what we have found is that there are several possibilities for the arrangement of that sequencing (as described in the EHc White Paper.)

Because this calendar is based on an ancient format, there may be some as yet unconsidered methods. To that end, we wish to invite anyone to try their hand at suggesting methods of intercalation. We are interested in your ideas!

The reason for EartHeaven (and not Earth Heaven) is expressly to signify that the EHc is a bond of the Earth to the Heavens.

The EartHeaven calendar is non-dogmatic, and belongs to no religion  —  nor should any religion try to lay claim to it  —  for it is a perfect tool for humans ordering our lives according to natural Earthly and Heavenly realities and rhythms.

Harmonies and synchronicities within the EHc abound. Such a calendric system is truly a thing of beauty and worthy of serious consideration for adoption by the whole modern world. Calendar reform may, at first, seem revolutionary, but by embracing this idea, such a change for time may also offer the global community a potential opportunity for great social el-evolution — that is to say, consciously and intentionally directed evolution.  

El-evolution is the concept that we are all evolving naturally/organically; however as sentient beings, we have the power to consciously direct our evolution, to elevate our sights on evolving toward increased awareness. It is a mindful choice to better ourselves.

Not us. Our legacy of time keeping (i.e., calendars) is at least 6,000 years old; and the astronomy and mathematics used undoubtedly existed far before that.

The Ancient Wheel of Earth Time has always had four distinctive features: 52 weeks; of seven days each; divided into 12 months; and beginning with the vernal equinox.

So, to carry the analogy, there is no need to reinvent this wheel; it simply needs to be properly balanced and aligned. Using the EartHeaven calendar solution as our tool, we’ll be ready to roll on through the Aquarian Age!

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