Grateful for the Light

image of sunset in globe at winter solstice

Welcome December Solstice

Welcome December Solstice — and the official First Day of Winter, in the Northern Hemisphere (12-21-23 Gc) ✨

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Today on the EHc (WED, 2 DECEMBER):

It’s a Six of Clubs Day
in the Ace of Spades Week
(Week 40 ) of the current EHc Solar Year.

This week, the Sun enters Scorpius at the December Solstice; and Uranus is the Weekly Ruling Planet.

This day is coincident to Yule, one of the oldest winter solstice festivals, with origins among the ancient Norse, thousands of years ago. Themes of light, fire, and feasting are common ways to celebrate the the day. 🪵🔥🍽

Rooted in ancient Celtic traditions, Yule is one of eight festivals on the Wheel of the Year, which depicts time as continuous and cyclical — with an invitation to pause about every six-and-a-half weeks to mark the passage of time in relation to what is happening in the natural world.☸️
Each of these festivals are coincident with the SolsticesEquinoxes, and Cross-Quarter (or Mid-Season) days marked along the EHc Solar Year. Celebrating these seasonal shifts is non-dogmatic and something that anyone can do, no matter your religion or faith tradition.🥳

Be Grateful for the Light… 🕯

Image Source –  Pixabay: (


#WinterSolstice #Yule #Scorpius #SeasonOfSpades #FixedCalendar #CalendarReform #EartHeavenCalendar #EHc


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