… and a Joy-filled Harvest Day, as Well!
Hello, friends! Today is Thursday, 3 August, 2023 Gc (15 July on the EHc).
The Sun has now traveled half-way (approximately six-and-a-half weeks) along its ecliptic path from the June Solstice toward the September Equinox. ☀️
On the EartHeaven Calendar (EHc), we are in the second quarter/season of the solar year (the Season of Clubs), spanning three months (June/Taurus, July/Gemini, August/Cancer). ♉ ♊ ♋
Today, 15 July (a Four of Clubs day in the Seven of Clubs week) is its mid-point. 7️⃣♣️ | 4️⃣♣️
On the Gregorian calendar, this is coincident with the ancient festival of Lughnasa/Harvest Day, traditionally celebrated on or near 1 August in the Northern Hemisphere (1 February in the Southern Hemisphere), a time for picking sunflowers & berries, baking breads & pies, hiking hilltops (towards the sun!), and general feasting and merriment. 🌻🌾🥖🫐🥧🥂
Rejoice and be Grateful for your Bounties.🧡
#HarvestDay #Lughnasa #Cross-QuarterDay #SevensWeek #SeasonOfClubs #FixedCalendar #CalendarReform #EartHeavenCalendar #EHc #LeapWeek