Good morning, EHc friends … and Happy June Solstice!
Today is Wednesday, 21 June, 2023 Gc, the first day of summer (in the northern hemisphere), and it’s the June Solstice as well.
On the EartHeaven Calendar (EHc), today is Wednesday, 3 June — a Five of Hearts Day in the Ace of Clubs Week of the current solar year. [ A | 5
The Ace of Clubs Week (WK #14) is the first week of the 2nd Quarter/Season of the EHc year (the Season of Clubs), comprising June/July/August. 

Because the EHc brackets the four annual equinox and solstice events (as does our Gregorian calendar), the EHc Grid (above) positions the June Solstice — as well as the beginning of Taurus — as occurring on Monday, 1 June (when it very well may occur on any given year). 

This bracketing, as indicated by the band of Gold spanning the Sky Line, acknowledges that the June Solstice — and a shift to the next House, Taurus — will always fall within a three-day range of what is marked on the EHc. ✨
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