Look what we found! 
We were pleasantly surprised to come across this article on NPR today, Think You’re a Taurus? Earth’s Wobble Sees Things Differently.
Interestingly, the viewpoint of Astrophysicist-Author Regina G. Barber seems to be largely in alignment with the same logic and reasoning behind the earth/solar reality of the EartHeaven Calendar and the Age of Aquarius, as presented in The EartHeaven Calendar White Paper, by Steve Howland. 

Due to the inevitable precession of the equinoxes, the March equinox is now occurring within the starry backdrop — or at least within the 30-degree arc of influence — of the constellation Aquarius (i.e., we have now begun our transition into the Age of Aquarius).
[ Even if not quite yet, it is a moot point as we will be in the Age of Aquarius for at least two thousand years to come. ]
We just love finding further scientific evidence to back up our theory… if you know of any other such articles, please do share! 

Image Source: https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2023/05/03/constellations-chart.en-083233a4678bdde9b9f1f1c094680e7a081aa1a7-s1800-c85.webp
#AgeOfAquarius #FixedCalendar #CalendarReform #EartHeavenCalendar #EHc #LeapWeek