Ostara, a Time of New Beginnings

person balanced in tree pose in silhouette against a sunset at Ostara

The March Equinox is Upon Us, Bringing Balance

Regardless of what the groundhog predicted six-and-a-half weeks ago, or what Mother Nature is trying to tell us right now, Spring/Ostara has officially begun in the northern hemisphere. (3-17-24 Gc) ✨ 

1A♥️|K♥️* [ 🎉✴️♒(☿) PHC ]
Today on the EHc (SUN, 1 MARCH)
Happy New Year! 🎉
It’s the King of Hearts Day
in the Ace of Hearts Week 
(Week 1) of the current 
EHc solar year).
It’s also New Year’s Day,
and marks the March Equinox / Ostara, too. ✴️
With the coming of Ostara, sometimes referred to as the “Beginning of Everything,” we enter the Season of Hearts/fire, and herald the March Equinox (on 3-19-24 Gc this year). As the first day of Spring, it is a day of balance between light and dark, day and night — and offers the opportunity to consider adopting the notion of balance into our own lives, too. ☯️
Worldwide traditions on this day include sewing seeds, gathering flowering branches, painting eggs, feasting, and the celebration of light. 🌱
This week, the Sun will be entering Aquarius at the March Equinox; and Mercury is both the Earth and Heaven Weekly Ruling Planet, creating a Planetary Harmonic Convergence (PHC) for the week. Be sure to take advantage of this span of Powerful Energy for Communication (the primary attribute of Mercury). ☀️
*This is the only occurrence of the King of Hearts as a Daily Ruling Card in an entire EHc Solar year. Only two other cards share this characteristic: the Queen of Hearts and the Ace of Spades.
Begin each year with love and glad tidings.🧡
Image Source: pexels-carl-newton-2280196


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