Grab your noisemakers (and binoculars) in celebration — WoOt!
Image Source: The first press proof of our EHCc Night Sky Mandala time-space map poster arrived this week. A few more tweaks and I hope to have it ready for online ordering very soon. (And, yes, that is a cast in the image… 😳 See Editor’s Note, below) ©2022-25 Ampers& Studio. All Rights Reserved.
Several print variations of the EartHeaven Card calendar (EHCc) are almost ready for pre-order, in anticipation of the upcoming March Equinox — falling on 3/16/2025 (Gc) this year.
Ummm, ya, it is … and I say the calendars are “almost ready,” because (of all things!) I got sidelined by a fractured tibia + fibula out on the slopes at the end of February and had to undergo emergency reconstructive surgery!😬 Now slowly recovering, with a titanium-reinforced lower limb, I am finally able to sit up for longer bouts of time, and to finally get this project rolling again. Apologies for any delays, but I am a one-woman design operation (and did I mention that I am doing all of this for free?!); I must put my health first. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter (see quick form in the footer) to be notified when the calendars and posters become available! 🎁 And thank you for your patience.✌️ ~ kf
#FixedCalendar #CalendarReform #EartHeavenCardCalendar #EHCc #LeapWeek #FolowTheSun #EHcNewYear #MarchEquinox #EHCcNightSkyMandala