The EHc New Year is Coming

The first press proof of the EHCc 2025-26 NightSky Mandala Poster has arrived. (And, yes, that is a cast!!!)

Grab your noisemakers (and binoculars) in celebration — WoOt!

The EHc New Year begins on Sunday, 16 March, 2025 Gc. We are currently in a powerful two-week transition period (from Week 52 to Week 1), as the Earth completes its annual trip around the Sun.☀️

This particular time of year is chock full of Auspicious Synchronies between the Earth and the Heavens, including the alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon, on Thursday into Friday, 13-14 March, resulting in a Total Lunar Eclipse of March’s Full (Blood) Moon. (As an interesting aside, the Earth, Moon and Sun, respectively, are the planetary influencers for the final three weeks of an EHc year, before Mercury begins to dominate the sky at the start of the EHc New Year.) 🌎🌝🌞


As we prepare for the coming New Year, the EHc prompts us to use this inspiring, high-energy period to reflect on what has transpired in our lives over the last 52 weeks, and set some intentions for what you hope to accomplish in the solar year ahead. And as the Season of Hearts/fire (Mar/Apr/May) arrives, we are reminded to begin each year with Love and Glad Tidings, to seek Balance, and always choose Kindness.❤️☯️

If you’re interested in learning more about the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse, here’s an informative article from, Lunar Eclipse: Tips for Watching…, written by EarthSky’s Editor-in-Chief Deborah Byrd.🌟

To learn more about the upcoming March Equinox, read my March 2024 blog post, On Balance, and New Beginnings.


Image Source: The first press proof of our EHCc Night Sky Mandala time-space map poster arrived this week. A few more tweaks and I hope to have it ready for online ordering very soon. (And, yes, that is a cast in the image… 😳 See Editor’s Note, below)   ©2022-25 Ampers& Studio. All Rights Reserved. 

Several print variations of the EartHeaven Card calendar (EHCc) are almost ready for pre-order, in anticipation of the upcoming March Equinox — falling on 3/16/2025 (Gc) this year.🥳

Ummm, ya, it is … and I say the calendars are “almost ready,” because (of all things!) I got sidelined by a fractured tibia + fibula out on the slopes at the end of February and had to undergo emergency reconstructive surgery!😬 Now slowly recovering, with a titanium-reinforced lower limb, I am finally able to sit up for longer bouts of time, and to finally get this project rolling again. Apologies for any delays, but I am a one-woman design operation (and did I mention that I am doing all of this for free?!); I must put my health first. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter (see quick form in the footer) to be notified when the calendars and posters become available! 🎁 And thank you for your patience.✌️ ~ kf

#FixedCalendar #CalendarReform #EartHeavenCardCalendar #EHCc #LeapWeek #FolowTheSun  #EHcNewYear #MarchEquinox #EHCcNightSkyMandala

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